Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Love hate

I hate people who stand on the first step of the double decker bus(esp when the bus is not packed) , thus forcing me to be stuck in the spiral area. It makes it extremely difficult to balance.

I hate having no hot breakfast and having to eat wholemeal bread and cheese. Although, I seemed to have an acquired taste of wholemeal bread and cheese.

I hate feeling like I have not enough sleep and yet have to keep awake.

I hate smoke smell. And this follows, it is alright to say I hate smoke smell, but if you say I hate the smell of Race X, you will be deemed racist. I do not understand. They smell that way because of the spices they use. So, it is ok to say, I hate the smell of spice A but not ok to say I hate the smell of Race X, when the smell of Race X is esentially the smell of Spice A. Again, I am reminded of 1984 George Orwell.

I hate having to work cause I have to.

I hate wearing jeans/long pants when its freaking hot. That makes it most of the time.

I hate being all wet from pespiration and feeling all sticky because I have to walk to the busstop within an hour of my bath.

I hate having to pretend to eat food I do not like and say I am full becuase I do not want to eat when in fact I am starving.

I hate it when I have no tissue when I have a leaky nose.

I love to swim

I love snuggling up in bed when I feel extremely fatiq

I love sleepin on my right. However, I prefer sleeping to the left of my bed partner.

I love Berries Flo.

I love being on leave.

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