Monday, August 30, 2004

i met like 10 guys over the weekend i came to a conclusion that guys can be categorised into these types:

The Bastard
first category, simple and self explanatory. usually egocentric. girls are but the latest accessories to them. backstabs his other guy friends. The term bastard can be freely used. Girls - do not hesitate to label any one mildly irritating here.

The Boorish Boring guy
Probably from engineering faculty. Does not have a dress sense. Will not look good even he wears oakley eyewear. Do not be suprise if he stinks, as in he really stinks cos he has a baa hu.
Goes into screensaver mode every now and then and has difficulty expressing himself.

The Wannabe
Talks with a swank but speech has grammatical errors glaring in your face. Claims to enjoy wine but is only willing to spend enough money on a glass. Forever quoting unknown sources. Acts as if he knows all but is not that streetwise afterall. Can get irritating.

The one that Talks too much
yakaty yak yakaty yak. non stop. sounds like a creeky casette player at times. There are two sub categories to this category. one makes intelligent talks and you actually get educated from him. the other is plain rubbish, talks about nothing but his experiences and himself. After pretending to engage in conversation with both cateogires, guys in this category can get energy draining.

The sore loser
Makes snide remarks. Very defensive. Fits the mould of guys who get condemn in the forum pages. Stingy with money. Will neve make it big.

The Arty Fart
Some in this category are really passionate about their art. They hold full time jobs but spend every single cent pursuing their passion. The decent ones are admirable. The overengrossed ones are lost in their own world, you wonder if they are martians. An interesting mix of guys.

The family guy
Wants to get married young and have 3 kids. His girlfriend is probably bespected, have straight rebonded hair and has fair skin. Will never agree to pre-martial sex even if the girl pounces on him.

K, i'm getting bored doing this. Can prob go on forever.
Sometimes, when sg girls says sg guys are boring , I disagree cos I do know interesting guys outhere. However, sometimes I look ard and I totally understand where they come from.
Guys. buck up. Stop drawing comparisions to sg girls and show your worth.

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