Tuesday, October 02, 2007

the hunting

I think I got picked up today. Woohoo..it was quite a nice feeling.

Was spending the whole of today and yesterday at an event, spoke to a guy briefly on some work related stuff, then i forgot how he looked like cos i was talking to a whole bunch of different people the whole day.

So today, this guy whom I thought looked like huge grant was kinda looking at me the whole day. I blankly stared back having no recollection of having spoke to him. He was ang moh so I wasnt very interested too, plus I was falling half asleep standing up.

At the end of the day, he finally came up to where I was stationed and talked to me. There was almost no work stuff, then I remembered I talked to him before after he repeated some stuff. Mostly, we talked abt Singapore, and the influx of foreign talent and my take on it (That i shall elaboraet in another post). He was going to take a train through 'scenic' malaysia to reach thailand. Thru the 'jungle trail' of pahang etc etc, the guide books really write it well. I told him it would be nothing by foilage and mosquitoes and that he should be worried abt dengue..hahah

Then of course, he asked me out for dinner. Maybe it was just a friendly , i have no friends here gesture, but it felt nice. I rejected of course saying that I have to go back to the office to work. While the feeling of being hunted is nice, I dont think I have the energy to entertain him the entire evening. I wasnt even very interested either, it was just nice while it lasted.hahah

so u have it. *head swells*

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