Monday, September 27, 2010

Things that make me happy

Its quite amazing that I can write stuff, stuff which at the moment of writing will help organise the fluff with the sole purpose of making everything easily understandable the next time round, and I have no effin idea what I wrote when i reread it. Then i do the same thing over and over again. Madness.

Anyway, since this is a post of things that makes me happy. Lets just list them down pronto.
- being a business owner is immensely satisfying. i may be only at the very early stages, but i know its a good step forward and this time round, i have a fren to push me along.
- dreaming of bubble gummy nail colours make me slightly dizty. Not sure if its happines, but I am pretty sure if my nails were indeed nicely painted those colours, i will be happy
- waking up early, doing stuff and feeling satisfied makes me happy. Although, 99% of the time it will be accompanied by faintness in the brain followed by an uncontrollable 3 hr nap which negates everything. Then, the familar sick feeling breeds.
- travelling makes me happy. i love to travel, walk around, breathe in a different air, learn new things - that makes me very very happy. really happy.
- thinking of going to paris makes me happy, even though it will be my 3rd time there I somehow really like paris.
- talking to my closer friends and have them understand you at the same level without them being patronising is a good feeling. However, most of the time, friends only come to you when they need a listening ear and you know it when they only half listen to you. It also mars the feeling when you feel that you wasted too much time online just chatting.
-being so tired that you are able to fall asleep immediately at the right timing is a great feeling. Too bad my body clock is so screwed.
-swimming, as always, feels divine.
-cycling in the perfect temperature feels great too. If only I could take my eyes off the path and look at the sights without worrying about crashing, or car doors opening to slam right into me.
- i guess having nice clothes and knowing exactly how to match your clothes will feel good. I think one needs to have a large collection of clothes before you can do that. I feel I have too little clothes and am getting kinda sick with the same stuff.
-nice jewelery always makes one feel happy. But jewelery has to match nice clothes, or there needs to be someone out there to notice and admire.
- being loved and being around pple who openly express that they love you is a happy feeling. I'm not talking about being around people who love you but don't express it, that is another dimension all together.
- eating good food at good prices is always enjoyable
- eating good dimsum has to make this list definitely
- good desserts as well

ha, i actually feel kinda happy thinking and writing about the things that makes me happy.

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