Tuesday, September 13, 2005

There was a time..

I realised my writing these days has became too business-like. Its straight to the point. Hardly any adjectives.

I used to write more frivolously just a few years ago. Then, I could take the time to describe the surroundings, the feelings in whatever I wrote. I made references to other objects more.

Now, I write " I was on the bus when I saw this young couple"
A few years ago, I would have written "It was a sweltering day and I was squashed on the bus. A body wet from perspiration brushed against me, I turned around and saw this young couple"

Something like that.

I think I lost it.

Was reading an essay by a Secondary school kid and it jolted me.
I guess life hardened us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how true. even now as I looked at some stuff I wrote during NUS days I can only say... I've lost it too.
