Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Of day and night.

So, I stopped playing lemmings and by right should be wide awake today since I slept  7 hours yesterday. But but but, my head is still fuzzy.
Today my colleague came back from her holiday and started polluting my mind about how the grass is greener on the other side. Seriously, I am so sick of such things. I know my pay is not necessary the highest but hearing about such things just make you distracted and sad. I do not need such crap. Work is one thing but there are other aspects of my life I want to be happy with. I need to start finding myself a passion. Swimming hardly qualifies cos you can only swim once a day.

I had the strangest dream last night. This guy (I have no idea who), but it seems like I was in a relationship with him. So, this guy had a ring and it seemed like he was trying to propose to me, so he came really close to me and I deliberately drop the ring on the floor. The ring was like rolling around and people around me were gushing because a diamond is hard to find on the floor. I was shocked too cos I didn't want to be responsible for the lost of the ring. Eventually someone found it and  gave it to him. Then as he came closer to me, I took the ring and place it back in his hand, telling him it was just not meant to be. I could feel sadness as I did so. Then, I ran off and my good girlfriends followed. Again, I  had no idea who these girls are, they didn't even resemble anyone I know in real life. They were like shocked but erupted into merry making to cheer me up and we decided to tour the world. I think my dream stopped there or I woke up.

It was really strange.

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