Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Hungry Hippo

Today I woke up very very hungry. If you know what I mean, that is. Some people wake up without any appetite and then complain at work all the way till lunch that they are starving. I eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Its either, Wanton Mee, Fishball noodles, Lor Mee, Bee Hoon..you get the drift. My ideal breakfast is to have dimsum. Those that push carts around and they punch whatever you order on this piece of cardboard.

I was exceptionally hungry today. I woke up and while I was brushing my teeth, I could hear my stomach growling. I think its a combination of my empty stomach and bowels. I usually am not hungry if I can full of crap inside. I was so hungry today I polished my plate of fish ball mee pok. For a moment, I imagined myself to be a horse with not enough food filling my four stomachs. Like what I do every morning, I ate a slice of bak kwa immediately after my breakfast.

By noon, I was starving again. I had a big bowl of home cooked noodles jia liao somemore. Disgusting. I always wondered why they call it home cooked noodles when its not home cooked. There is no difference between home cooked noodles and fish ball noodles and prawn noodles. I topped it off with a Kit Kat bar too. I scavenge for something sweet after every meal. In the morning, its bak kwa. Afternoon its Kit Kat. Evening its Ghirardelli Chocolates. I call it, riding my mouth of the food taste. It doesn't really make sense but whatever.

I ate more than I was supposed to eat for dinner again. I drank fish soup meant for 2 persons and I had like 6 pieces of nioang hiang. The Ghirardelli chocolate too of course. Its dark chocolate today.

Finally, as in to mock me. I had a terrible stomach ache at 10pm. It was as if to punish me for eating so much. I had to run to toilet 3 times while writing this.


Guojun said...

Babe, cows have 4 stomachs, I dun horses have so many.

Reading your blog makes me hungry too...

Handsel said...

goss..so silly. its the cow you are right. I mixed the cow n the horse up. I keep remebering the scene in Enid Blyton Malory towers series when Bill's horse had colic and Miss Peter mentioned something about the stomach which made it extremely painful for the horse. I though it was because the horse has 4 stomachs. So embarassed. Argk.