Sunday, July 03, 2005

I'm back!!

So, I am back. I am feeling a little down because Alboy is sick. He is so sick, his temperature has been at 39 degrees the whole day. I had wanted to go out to have some fun in town. Ok, I am down not because Alboy is sick, I am down because this weekend is going to be wasted.

I had the strangest feeling when I woke up this morning. It was like, eh, I had not worked for a very long time. It wasn't a fantastic feeling, just strange.

Many times during the past week, I woke up not remembering where I was.
I jumped out of bed on my first morning in Manila, I forgot I was in Manila. I fall asleep fast and sleep very soundly regardless of location, I think my heart skipped a beat when I woke up.

On another morning, I jumped out of bed again, this time shocked to see two guys in the same bed as me. Relax, I did nothing. No threesome involved. My bed was actually big enough to sleep 3 comfortably. The two guys and I were chatting in my room and they had way too much booze and fell asleep on my bed. No hanky panky. Yes, my bed is big enough for three. It was fantastic sleeping in it. The pillows were too soft though. I felt like Rapunzel when I use the pillows.

Minus the lack of sleep, I had a fantastic time in Manila. I slept a grand total of 15 hours the whole time I was there. Blame it on my two colleagues who wanted to booze all night. They fed me juice each time they drank. So irritating. My juice was also like 5 times more expensive than their booze.

I guessed I had a great time in Manila because I went to the super high class place. Its like orchard road and nothing you see like the mess on tv. The toilets in Manila were surprising clean. Cleaner than ours. I had a very very bad case of diarrhoea when I was there.

I guess it was my fault that I ordered Vongole. It was a high class restaurant and I thought nothing would happen. I rushed to puke halfway through the meal. I thought I was done with it but I went on to shit 5 times after that. Its the peeing shit type. I shat till my asshole ached.

Besides the high class places I went, I landed myself in a slum unknowingly. Blame it on the hotel bellboy. He suggested we go there. The taxi driver tried to persuade us against going but being cocky Singaporeans, we insisted. It was really dark and dirty there. We found a Starbucks and immediately sought comfort in it. What wusses. It was only the next day that we found out the place was a slum and that almost everyone carries a gun there.

I went to Shang rila for dinner one night. They had this chocolate fountain thingy that immediately wowed me. It was chocolate fondue but the chocolate was flowing like a fountain. You stick the satay stick into the marshmellow and placed it in the fountain. It was fantastic. I must had like 10 chocolate mashmellows. That is in addition to all the sashimi. Yummy.

I am glad to be back in Sg. I always am. I am kinda tired now. Nights.

p/s. Dried mangoes in Manila cost like USD18 for a pack of 4. Its crazy. Then again, that is the airport price. I didn't get to check how much they actually cost in the city. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything. In fact, I didn't even spend a single cent the whole time I was there.

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