Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Alas, the guilt of work

I was expecting myself to type. It feels great, but instead I think I will do a - It feels strange.

Yes, my weak self gave in and I took MC today. It wasn't all that unjustifable. I had been having this nagging pain in my throat for about a week. Yesterday, I felt slightly feverish as if I might fall sick. That however did not happen and I broke out of it before I went to bed last night. This morning, I simply lost all motivation to work. In fact, I debated about it for a precious 20 mins at 7am this morning, ultimately convincing myself that it was no harm. Afterall, I had not taken a single day of leave or mc since the start of the year.

This time I did not have to wait 1 hr for my mc, since I had fully grasp the routiness of the doctor's schedule. I went right before he closed for lunch and waited only 15mins. The doc was a bit of a strange thing. He actually gave me an MC for tomorrow instead of today, and argued with the nurse when I pointed it out.

I dutifully spent the whole day sleeping after finishing the last chapter of "The rule of four". Not a recommended read. Perhaps its because the book is authored by 2, that makes the flow somewhat strange. It never fails to amaze me how much I can sleep. I ate dinner on a full stomach and feel werid.

Perhaps, I should have just taken mon and tue off and scotted off to hk with missy y. Alas, the guilt of work.

Am planning to take next friday off, however, I have a feeling I might be on standby for an event and that my leave will not materialise.

GSS is starting, when does Club 21 start it sales? I saw some oh so pretty but pricey stuff, the stuff that is only worth buying during a sale.

1 comment:

SH said...

Rule of 4 not good ah.... hmmm... i bought "the last templar" read first 4 chapters, i think also not recommended...