Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cinderella outfit

Today I wore a skirt to work and its amazing how many comments about it I got.
They think I look pretty in a skirt , which baffles me because essentially I am the same person. I didn't apply any make up or style my hair. My tiny eyes were half closed, I still feel like a slump when I entered the office. There must be something about the skirt, or maybe that its the first time I wore a skirt on a normal work day since I started work.

More on my outfit, I have named it the 'Cinderella outfit'. Its knee length wrap flare skirt - green with purple trimmings paired with a whitish beige singlet. Seemingly apt eh. If you cannot picture it, go watch Waltz Disney Cinderella. Its what she wears when she does her household chores.

Am going to watch DVC code later. Yippee


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