Sunday, October 15, 2006

It must be the hormones

I'm in a really foul mood. I have no idea why too, in fact I shouldn't be but I can't help feeling totally foul.

I just took a $25 cab ride. Thats what happened at the end. So, it happened like this. Alboy was totally exhausted and took a 'nap' after agreeing to sending me back home after that. He was impossible to joslt awake, so I offered to take a cab home myself. I really don't mind because I do not do it very often and I know that he is really very tired.

He told me to call a cab but I refuse, I always do because I feel it is pointless because there are always so many cabs just a short 3-4 min walk away. I'm a bit anal at having to pay extra for cabs that are already so expensive. I left and walked myself out. It wasn't a very well lighted road but I was fine. However somehow my mood was starting to get crappy. Its a girl thing, you say no but if no really happens, reality bites and its painful. The difference is, I know I said no so I had no right to complain.

On an ordinary night, it would have been the end of the story and I would hop onto the cab on my way home. Not tonight though.

After walking for a minute, I realised that having spent almost 40 bucks on cab the previous day, I might not have enough money for midnight charge. I checked my wallet and I only had $15 left. I definately do not have enough money. It usually cost about $14 without the midnight charge.

What to do? I called Alboy and told him I had no money and wanted to loan from him. I was even ready to walk back, he didn't even have to walk out. Somehow I think he heard me wrongly and replied in a most irriated tone, "I already told you to call a cab".

That totally tripped me. We have never agreed on the calling of cab issue. He always call a cab and thinks I should. To me, its just a waste of money. I bet he thinks I am trying to be misery, something along that line.

I retorted, told him nevermind and hung up. He tried calling twice but I hung him up. I switched my phone off after that. Somehow, irrational as it may sound, something inside me just flipped.

I took a deep breath as I analysed my dire situation. Alone, dark, no money and now too proud to ask for help. I walked and walked and rembering that now all Esso stations have ATM in them, I walked towards an Esso. I thought I was saved.

BUT, as if to mock me, the atm was 'temporaily out of service' when I reached Esso. If the aem were human, I would have given it two tight slaps. Whats the point of an atm if it does not spit money out. Fwah.

I went back onto the road and started walking, before I decide that I should just flag a cab and hop in. Suddenly, it dawned onto me that I could pay by credit card. So, I flagged a cab, make sure with the driver I could pay by card and hop on in. Afterall, I heard so many horror stories of how cab drivers refuse to accept card. The uncle was unbeliavblly animated and he did lighten my mood a little. He was telling me about his drunk customers and how you need a degree in botany before the government gives you a permit to grow vegetables these days.

I went home, switched on my phone and saw 10 missed calls. My phone has been quiet since. I guess Alboy must be sound asleep now and I am unsure what to feel about it.

Since, I have no one to complain to considering I hardly have any friends, its all out here, which actually sucks because I feel I do not have to let the entire www know. Then again, I typed so much, it seems like a waste to just delete it all.


moi said...

oh gosh..that sounded REALLY bad; you alright?

Anonymous said...

mfmi"Since, I have no one to complain to considering I hardly have any friends"
Heya..u could've called me :)
