Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Its almost amazing how I manage to screw up my body clock the first day I go on leave. Feaking 2.33am and I am as awake as an owl.

I was perching and puking for 12 hours before, which meant I slept all the time, thus the alertness now. Its the Godiva milkshake, I tell u, they probably used stale milk. A 8 dollars a pop, it was so not worth drinking. I tossed and turned about in bed before trying to do something more useful, like do my malay homework.

Its frustating. I am starting to doubt my initial motives for learning the langugae. I wanted to be able to read all the malay signs and understand when the malay speaks. Not that I have any malay friends anyway. It just pisses me off that the Malaysian chinese can speak 3 languages and us, only 2. At the rate I am going, I will hardly be able to converse in Malay. I do my homework by checking the dictionary for almost every single word. It is not that I do not commit to memory the words, I do, I really do but the vocab is just so vast. Not to mention sentence construction. The Zhao Ju baffles me totally.


Anyway I was thinking its about time I looked at my Dec 2005 post to see if I achieved anything this yr. So far its not bad. Thats mainly cos I made so general statements. I still feel a bit aimless about life, about if there is more to life then just contributing to a MNC where you are but one in the big picture. I guess most of 2006 was spent at work, going home, going out with Alboy and going to work.

Nevertheless, lets see

1) I want to excel at my new position. I have to. Its a brand new position and I am scared shitless but I really want to prove to everyone I can do it.
Well, I'm still working on it. I need time to prove this.

2) I have to be more absolute and procrasinate less. I have decided to pen a to-do-list.
Hahah, I had a to-do list. For like 3 months before I gave up. Thing is, I do not have much to do. I see it as a bad thing. Like I said, my now revolves around going to work, waiting for weekend and sleep.

3) To visit new cities. Toying with the idea of bringing my mum to korea, but that may conflict with my new job scope. See how. I want to go somewhere with Alboy too.
No Korea, we went hk instead. I figured it was cheaper even though we stayed at a very expensive hotel. Where did I go in 2006 - KL, Pg, BKK, Manila, LA, Vegas, Austin, HK. No new countries. New cities include LA, Vegas and Pg though. This is prob the yr I spent the most months travelling. Considering I went to the States for a month. Pg twice. Alboy was with me for 2 glorious week in Austin, LA and Vegas.

4) Meet up with my friends more.
Not too sure about this. Seems to be having lesser and lesser friends. Been going out with work colleagues a lot, which I still have not figured out if its a good or bad thing.

5) Save at least 10K. 15K would be nice although I think it will be pushing it.

6) Sleep less, wake up earlier.
Since my life revolved around going to work (notice I say going to work, not work), I wake up at 744 am for most part of the year. I still sleep through all weekends though.

7) Make my parents less pissed with me less often. This is going to be a tall order though.
Am not sure about this.

Things that happen in 2006
You know what I do not know. Last year, I could write things like I cut my hair the most times blar blar, frivulous as it may be. This yr, my mind draws a blank slate. I remembered wanting the year to go by very fast at the start of the year, that was mainly due to my unstable state cos of work issues and partly cos I was eager to get out of the training phase and go to US. Now that the year has indeed raced past me, I am at a lost.

Either that, or things just do not mean that much to me anymore.
Does baking muffins for the very first time in my life count? I took pictures, but I forgot how to post them on blogger. Too lazy to go meddle.

I browsed through my blog enteries for the year and this is what I concluded happened in 2006
- I spent the most time away from home in a foreign country.
- I actually spent a lot of time at work at the start of the year. My early postings were all " I left the office after 8", probably part of the reason why I wanted the year to whizz by.
- I seemed to be buying a lot of shoes.
- Alboy got me a lovely bday present this time. This was solely due to the fact that I finally managed to verbalised myself and told him what I wanted. I even got pass the uneasy feeling of choosing the design with him and making him pay for it. Something I would never do before.
- Probably the year I watched the least movies.
- A blog entry got featured on Digital Times. I forgot about it until I reread my entries. See, thats how significant things are to me these days.

What I want to do in 2007
I do not know yet.
- Start tennis lessons maybe?
- Do something on the side. Maybe just learning how the stock market works or some new programming language, or just something, some money making scheme.
Will post when I think of more.

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