Monday, January 08, 2007

January's first monday.

I feel as if my weekend were robbed from me.
First I had another wedding to attend. Seriously, I am soo soo soo soo sick of weddings. Esp colleague's wedding. I would be forced to go, forced to give a decent ang bao, forced to mingle and smile on a Saturday. I think I deserve my break.
Then I had to wake up early on Sunday to go to this Fengshui talk. Seriously, after 8 hours of fengshui, everything just sounds the same. Put this that in your room to prevent this that from happening. Apparently, its going to be a not bad yr for my zodiac sign although it is in indirect clash with the grand duke of jupiter..hahaha.
It didn't let up at night, the warm weather prevented me from sleeping, so I switched on the aircon and my nose acted up. Perfect eh.
My first start of a full week after a long time. I need to plan my leave. Apparently, I would need to take at least 2 days to make sure my leave doesn't get swallowed up.
Now that I am back at work, its back to listening to the nuances of inefficient colleagues, I want to be immerse in my world of riders, elves, drawves, dragons!                  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you really liked Eragon.... heheh
now sch starting... dunno when I can finish my Eldest!
