Saturday, September 22, 2007

So, the parents are overseas. The house is absoutely quiet. No one except me wakes up before noon. I am the earliest at 11.50am. one wakes up at 2+, the other is still asleep at 5pm.

That single filet o fish is long digested but I don't really want to eat now as I will mess up my dinner timings.

Its amazing the amount of laundry we generate, Just one day and it was a full load of clothes in the wash. Of course now that I have washed and hung them, I refuse to keep and fold them.

I have a craving for soup spoon's soup. But I think the nearest outlet is a tad bit too far and I don't think I want to navigate the traffic on a saturday afternoon. Though I have the car, even a place like JP is madness. My gripe about that place is that they do not accept CC, making payment for cashless people like me a hassle.

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