Tuesday, February 01, 2005

To the Forum

I just wrote in to the forum. This is what I wrote.

I am disturbed by the sight of big black trash bags lining our roads. I supposed our cleaners rake up all the dry leaves, pack them in the trash bags and leave it by the side of the road for the trucks to collect.

The threat of terrorism is real and we have been encouraged again and again by authorities to report of any suspicious objects lying around.
I cannot help but wonder in fear what if instead of dead leaves, the bags were laden with explosives.

In recent bombings around the region, a single car bomb ruined the lives of many. Along a 50m stretch of our roads, there can be as many as 10 bags lining the road. I shudder as I envisage the devastation.

Leaving these trash bags along our roads contradicts our terrorisms prevention measures. I am imploring the relevant authorities to look into this issue. It is unnecessary to make ourselves vulnerable to terrorism.

Haha, I actually wrote to the forum. Well after all, PM MM Lee wants citizens who are vocal and take an active interest in the countries welfare.

I was on my way today, and like a jolt of lightning outta nowhere, I tried to receite the plege in my mind. The last time I said the pledge was during assembly in JC, which was eons ago. I was ahgast that I actually forgot the pledge and it took me a few times to get it correct.

Its my country, my pledge. I should always be able to receite it. Yes, I am that patriotic.
Now, how many of you know the chinese version of the pledge? I do. lalala.

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