Wednesday, August 24, 2005

10 things

10 things that make me happy, or at least give me moments of happiness

1. Swimming. It always makes me feel better.
2. A good chocolate icecream especially when I am craving for it.
3. Good grooming services, if only they didn't have to add up to be so costly.
4. Meeting up with friends who make me laugh. Its becoming increasingly harder to arrange for all to meet up.
5. Nice things.
6. Alboy
7. Watching the stars rise and shine
8. Friday at 5pm. Its a wonderful feeling when you know the weekend is finally here.
9. Not having to stick to a schedule.
10. A good book

Ten things that makes me depressed

1. Having no direction.
2. Looking at my happy list above and realising that argk. I know not how to word it.
3. Finishing reading a good book, I always feel aimless after that.
4. Picking up the phone to call someone, but putting it down again because I do not know know who to call.
5. Having to eat white porridge when you are sick.
6. Wondering why the weekday past so slow/weekend so fast
7. No appetite
8. Falling sick
9. Being depressed. Its a bloody vicious cycle
10. Sunset.

1 comment:

Guojun said...

I like a good book too. And chocolate. Not chocolate ice cream, but chocolate....

And I like nice things too. (which turns out it includes the powerpuff girls)