Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Its all about shit

If you don't already know, I have a fascination with shit.

I just went to shit, and it was all soft and moist so I'm inspired to blog.

My secret fantasy is to take a picture of splattered shit and show it around.

I love the shit that splatters all over the toilet bowl, the kind that comes out quick and fast when you have diahorrea. (I hate this word, can't spell it, no spell check here)

My best shit so far was in a restaurant in Manila, too bad I didn't have my camera then. My stomach was in shambles as I rushed to the toilet. It was those single unisex cubicle. The ladies was in use. I stood outside for 5s, before dashing into the male one. It was one cubicle, would not have made a difference.

Man, I shat so badly in there. The shit all over the place. It was so gross. For someone like me who likes to see my shit, I found it gross too. I shat so badly, I felt guilty about dirtying the toilet bowl, I actually used some tissue to try cover my mess. That was so bad, I went on to shit like 5 more times that night. In short, I shat all over Manila.

Then, I have my discussions with Emily on floating and sinking shit. I bet you do not realised that sometimes your shit floats and sometimes it sinks. Its fascinates me.

Some people have to shit every morning, I don't. I shit when I feel like it. In fact, I think I shit more at work than at home.

And there are times I refuse to shit in Mersing and empty my bowels immediately when I reach home, or at NUS when the bus drops us off.


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