Sunday, January 09, 2005

Scary Movies

I was bored stiff last night. There was no one I wanted to talk to on ICQ and I had finished surfing my usual websites. So, I switched on the TV, channel surfed and gosh, they were showing a ghost show in Channel8.

It was one of those, the ghost was maligned when she was alive, so the angry and fury ghost goes around killing people, and will only stop when she is appeased. You know, much overused plot.

So, I decided to watch a little. I have for the longest time refused to watch any shows with ghosts/vampires/spirits in it.

Simple reason: I am scared.

It all started when I was little. I used to fall asleep in bed without needing a blanket. One day I watched "Ghost pull Leg (Gui La Jiao)", I got so horribly scared, I covered myself in blanket when I slept that night. I remembered I was perspiring profusely but I still refused to come out from beneath the sheets, as a result, I came down with fever the next day. How pathetic.

The fear stuck on. I still refuse to watch horror shows. I do not see the point of paying to scare myself.

Yesterday, I decided to watch that ghost show on tv. I braved through the first 5 minutes. That was all my gentle heart could take. After that, I immediately switched channels whenever something scary is about to happen. I hate sitting on my chair in apprehension as I watched.

10 minutes later, I decided I had enough and switched the TV off.

Mind you, I would think most people wouldn't even find it that scary. After all, how scary can a show made in the eighties/early nineties be.

I just couldn't stomach it. Me is a scary cat.

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