Tuesday, January 04, 2005

First Work Day

Today I worked 14hours. Crap. First work day of the year too.

I cannot stand it when people schedule meetings at 530pm.

530 is after 9 blardy hours of work.
530 is when people go home.
530 is when you get hungry and want to eat dinner.

But, no, some nincompoop has to schedule meetings at 530pm. My boss doesn't even do such things.
It is too presumptuous to assume that I want to work after 530pm. What about those people who have children to return to?
I mean, I do not mind working after 530pm, but it is so not right to assume that I will work after 530pm.

So, my meeting ended at 745pm. You thought that was the end of the day, fat chance?

Another colleague comes and says he wants something done. He does not say exactly when, but says he has to pass it to a customer tomorrow. Duh, obviously it was to be done today.

So, you start your task at 8pm. Mind you, this is no simple feat. Try taking your competitors specifications, strip them down, configure your system and do a point to point comparison. Complete it with diagrams and sketches too. Its almost like writing a product specs sheet myself. Mind you, certain technical details take time to comprehend. Dodo me did not have my scientific calculator with me, so I was reduced to the calculator in windows to do most functions.

I should stop whining. New year. New Start.

1 comment:

Guojun said...

I had a lousy day today also. Last minute boss wants a lt of new things. My boss always like that. Wahaha...