Sunday, May 29, 2005

Guys and MCP

Yesterday, I painted Alboy fingernails. They are now glossy. The mark of a metrosexual man, I like.

How many guys will actually allow a girl to paint their fingernails? I swear that Alboy would even allow me to paint his nails pink. He thinks its no big deal.

Guys are strange really. They all have a tinge of MCPness in them, regardless whether they allow you to paint their nails. Take Alboy for instance, paint his nails I can, but I never get to drive his car. Guys who let you drive their car will not let you paint their nails. I hate it most when some guys think they are always correct, or want to have the last word in a conversation.

A long time ago, a guy that I was dating would call me regularly. We talked till there was nothing in common to talk about. In hindsight, we did not share similar taste and our interests somewhat differs. The conversation always landed up like this - Someone would pick a category, say fruits, and we would each take turns to list whatever that's in the category.

It always goes like this.
Me : "Apple"
Him: "Orange"
Me: "Pear"
Him: "Mango"

You get the drift. It was senseless. Very dumb. He would not give up, and neither would I. I hated to be the losing one because I cannot stand fuelling his MCP. Usually, we go on and on. It made it even dumber that it usually was an overseas call. He was paying for the call so I didn't gripe about it too much. Needless to say, we eventually broke up and I have not spoken to him since. No point, really.

Sometimes I wonder if its the testosterone at fault for their MCPs. It is a fact that girls are attracted to the testosterone. We will not like a sissy guy. We lament that MCP guys piss us off but I think a tinge of MCP in guys make them sexy. What I hate most are empty vessels making the most noise. Some guys talk like they know it all, but they really are full of crap. I hate guys who talk to you for a motive too. I have had conversations with guys who later whipped a condom out of their wallets.

Again I quote from Zee and Justin, two 25 yr old hot blooded males
- " All guys are potential rapist"
- " All guys are bastard"

- "All guys watch porn" This came from me.


Guojun said...

I think I'm not MCP enough. That's why I can't get a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

i think a more correct version of your comment would be--

"all guys have watched porn"

Handsel said...

nah. all guys watch porn. watch watched watching.