Saturday, January 28, 2006


So, I went shopping today and bought shoes, top, bags and undies. Not bad.

The best part was, I did it with my girlfriends. Thanks gals!

I had a tiff with Alboy, I guess most would know the details. Its too lengthy to word it here.
Anyway, the main pt is I did not speak to him today. Did not call him. He did not call me either. I think this is the longest I went without speaking to him. Even when I am overseas, we still call each other.

The thing is, I had totally no urge to talk to him. I really didn't feel like talking to him.
Usually, even when we disagree, I still give in and call him after a few hours. Now, it didn't even bother me.

He finally called me near midnight and I wasn't even excited to hear the phone ring. My tone of voice was so deadpan I couldn't even believe it myself.

Anyway, we are still not talking because I couldn't get him to see from my pt of view. Either I couldn't get him to, or he sticks to his viewpt, or its me sticking to my viewpt. I think its a combination. Yet, I am not asking him to ahere to my view, I am just asking him listen to what I have to say and he keeps rebutting me. So, I told him rather curtly that I do not want to talk to him any more and hung up the phone adruptly.

I doubt he will call. He's prob too tired and will fall asleep immediately. Whatever, you know what I do not really care. In fact, he has been so tired for such a long time I suspect it is eating into me.

Or perhaps, 3 and a half years is too long a time. Yes, 3 and a half years to the exact date itself.

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