Friday, September 03, 2004

dear all - i got guybrush to guestblog, *applause applause*

hi to all! guybrush here, guest blogger for handsel's blogsite tonight...i realised that everybody does not really treasure what they have, till they have lost it. i know it's cliche to hear this, but experiencing it first hand, i feel it's no cliche after all...

i never believed in marriage. i feel that it is a commitment that is forever, with a burden that weighs next to infinity. how can anyone face another for the rest of his life??? impossible. to add salt to injury, kids will be produced as a by-product of the marriage. that sorts of adding to the already mountainous burden. besides immense effort and countless sleepness nights, the financial burden is excruciating.

however, after i have just gone separate ways with my partner, i began to rethink all the above issues. every kiss and every hug, is a projection of love, that is shared between 2 people. if the love persists, the commitment and burden will no longer seem forever and huge. but are we sure the love can continue? nothing is forever, the good things that is. at least, after breaking up, i began to realise the every little things we shared, the moments we went thru, the things we did, the places we went... are all pieces of puzzles that fit into a bigger picture.

the reason for breaking up is due to my belief that if i want to be single and free, with no commitment and burden, i should not have a partner. i will only drag her down, and causes her to waste her time with me. however, there seemed to be a tinge of regret broiling in me.

beginning to treasure all the past moments is a start for me, at least i will learn to fully appreciate all these moments if i go back in time.

i still have a long way to go to fully comprehend the logic and benefits of marriage, but i am on my way...
i found it a tad bit depressing. my heart sank a little as i read. *sniff sniff*

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