Saturday, September 11, 2004

i had dinner at 11pm today. late you say? nah, its usually dinner at around this time on sats. and guess what...yes, its dinner at crystal jade HV again. i think i know all the dishes on their menu.
digressing, crystal jade is one of those places with an excellent food and throws away their menu after each guest.

anyhow, i ate a frog, a fish ,some beanskin and greenish stuff tonight.

i love frogs - today it was a live fog - or at least thats what the menu says.

i hate vegs - eating vegs is totally a overrated thing. I see girls who eat nothing but veg and are still fat. Girls that profoundly proclaim their love for veg. its disgusting. not that i have anytihng against the colour green. in fact, i think green is a lovely colour...but eating veg just amounts to eating cholorophyll to me. gross. and whats the crap about staying healthy by eating veg, you are probably just eating the insecticde off the veg. and abt aiding digestion, crap, when you need to crap, you will crap.

enough about greenish stuff.

i love meat - oooh..eating meat gives me the high. i'm not talking abt white meat, but red meat..ooh..just thinking about meat makes me slightly delirious.

anyhow, i can attest to the fact that eating veg gives you wonderful complexion and that eating meat spoils it is absoultely baseless.

most compulsive veg eaters i know have horrid skin. while this might be a sweeping statement, think about it and you will realise i'm about correct.

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