Wednesday, September 01, 2004

its amazing and despicable what the media does. the media can be used to rally people for some cause(good or bad) or to make hermit crabs out of an entire population. it is somewhat orwellian.

Media story 1 - LJW and RS getting married.
wooo of the town. Glamorises table tennis and shuttlecocks. Quote from parliament today - " she looks up to the stands and see all races cheering her on. Sports rally the nation..blah blah blah". Whatever. . So propaganda. To me, its just sg way of justifying the hordes of money spent on the sport. We can easily do with more useless sheltered walkways. and oh yes, getting married, all in line with the romancing sg campaign too, she's young he is young and they are getting married....subtle msg to all young and old singles out there.

I wonder why everyone forgot to mention that once they walk down the aisle, she will get pregnant, do a JJH and wither in the tt scene. Perhaps the journalists forgot..hmm..i wonder.
Oh, one thing for sure,LJW will be having a ball of a time with R's shuttle-cocks- no pun intended.

Media story 2 - S.Koreans do not know troops are being deployed to Iraq
Yes, it is the same iraq that beheaded one of their country man. The K Government has implored the local media not to publicised the move to iraq. Their actions may be justified but it only emphasis the point that we are who we think we are. Our sg govt has constructed this huge umbrella over sunny singapura. At times , I wonder what we not know and what we think we know. It happens everywhere. The WWII chapter of the Japanese history curriculum would not surprisingly be less than adequate. MITA sifts through stacks and stacks of foreign articles to determine what we should know. Shudders.

Media story 3 - Creative is finally advertising
Creative - challenger of i-pods, the standard of sound cards, philanthropic CEO, has never advertised in all the years they done their business. They done exceedingly well. I'm proud to be Sg because of them and I can boast I work in the building next to Creative. They have started cheesy ads on TV and radio. This just reinforces the power of the media.

Media story 4 - Rice Table is fully booked this coming sat but no one turns up.
My turn to wield the power of the media. All readers- please call rice table outlets and make a reservation this coming sat and do a no-show. Their service sucks and they ought to be taught a lesson. Those who have dined or attempted to dine at rice table should agree with me. They conveniently decline reservations and walk-ins and are forever fully booked, even when the restaurant is visibly empty. They treat you like scum and their food is less than mediocre. May Rice table be empty this sat, and on second thoughts , sunday too.

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