Sunday, September 12, 2004

Today, 2 of Sir Issac Newton 3 laws were reinforced.

Law 1:Every object in a state of motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Today was a good day. I went blading. After the initial jitters, I decided this was going to be a good blading day. I was gaining rhythm and getting less worried over humps and casurina seeds on the ground. Nevemind the fact that little tots on their tricycle were overtaking me. Hey, they are more mobile than me. All was fine until I reached the seafood center. I noticed they finally leveled the ground where the forever defunct crocodile farm was. I wonder, were there ever crocodiles there in the first place. For as long as I remembered, the place was like the imperial palace, gates forever shut. The authorities finally decided to lay a new cycling and blading path there. So, i went. I never expected that area to be so sloppy. I grunted my way up the slope and before I could give myself a pat on the shoulder, it occured to me - whatever goes up must go down. and down I went.

I was going down at supersonic speed, it was thrilling and somewhat terrifying. Sir Newton was all out to prove his first law. I never stopped ..till I decided I should find something to break my fall. I decided to crash right into dang. I crash. I fell.

See my wound . *ouch*

Newton's 3rd Law: For every action, there is an equal and opp reaction.

I crashed, landed on my knees. I looked up, I saw dang flying off in another direction. He flew to the grass, caught a lampost, went around it 3 times before screeching to a stop. It was darn funny. Like in a cartoon script. Bystanders were gapping but alas, no one helped.

I crown dang - SRS dang. (dunno what SRS is - look at the airbag in your car)

Being the garang me, I stood up, continued blading till I found water to wash my wound. I sat at the walkway, tending to my wound. Now, passer-bys were gaping at my wound and staring not so discreetly at it. I should have demanded they pay me for staring at my wound like I were some kind of public exibit.

Mothers were probably whispering into their children ears - " see this silly girl, never wear knee guards, now fall down .obigood"

Nevermind, had to blade my way back with gusto. and, I had to meet a friend who immediately chided me for not wearing guards. Hey, the guards were damn stinko k. I rather bruise myself. yes. I rather bruise myself.

Hmm..I better start investing in my own pair of guards,

Anyway, I had crab prawns and greenish stuff for dinner. It was fabulous.

There you go. My Sunday.

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