Saturday, October 02, 2004

Spizza and Haagen Daaz

Today was a strange day. Nothing much happened but it feels as if it were a summersault ride.

I spoke to Swat on ICQ today. So happy. It was just a brief conversation before I was hurried to eat dinner, but speaking to your crush always makes you happy. Now, stop gapping, yes, dang knows that swat is my crush although the details are somewhat hazy.

Swat has been my crush for the longest time. In fact, I too think that years ago, I was his crush too. Do not get me wrong. I refer to him as my crush out of sheer convenience. Over the years, we have reached this silent understanding that nothing will really happen between us. He is happily attached now with his lawyer gf and I have my dang.

I shall not go into details about his lawyer gf although I was quite indignant when I found out about it. I had to mask my look of absolute disgust when I first met her, not to mention that I knew her beforehand. Why had it to be her of all people? *spats*

Anyhow, talking to swat always makes me happy. He isn't half the memory I keep etched in me though, he is somewhat different now. Older. It does not matter, I thoroughly enjoy the friendship we have now, and perhaps one day many years later, we will talk about it and laugh at our foolish young selves.

On a different note altogether, dang was depressing because he always has to work so hard. But he always makes up for it in his unique way.

I was getting slightly frustrated because he was terribly weary during the day. Insanely ridiculously I admit , but I couldn't help feeling this way. I know dang sensed the shift in force because he called to say he wanted to meet me.

We went to Spizza and later Haagen Daaz. Sidenote: Service at Spizza deteriorated. The crew of Indian workers simply could not manage an increased crowd size.

It was at Haagen Daaz that I almost flared up. I consider myself a docile person. Very little things make me angry. Sure, I get pissed at plenty of things but pissed is only a temporary sensation.

Dang ordered a waffle with tiramisu ice-cream, a flavour I do not eat. I poured the heresy sauce into one cube of the waffle, while he drizzled the rest of the sauce over the waffle. The cube was mine. Clearly mine.

Dang indulged in his waffle and suddenly, as if to mock me, he scooped the tiramisu and dumped it into my cube. I was enraged. It was such a deliberate act. I was looking forward to that cube of chocolate-soaked waffle all the time. It feels as if something precious was snatched away from you.

Oh also, I paid for dessert that I did not get to eat because dang did not have cash with him. Wtf. The staff were profusely thanking him as we walked out. In their sickening sweet voice "Thank you SIR, Thank you SIR"

Grrrr.. notice how eateries always thank the male and totally ignore the female, even if she paid for the meal instead. It happens all the time, everywhere. I hate it.

Thankfully dang has his ways of making me happy again, but largely because I have a huge soft spot for him, the intense situation was eventually diffused.

I am hungry now. Got to find food.

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