Friday, December 17, 2004

All Red and Ugly

The past few days were a blur. I spent the last three days in bed. I fell terribly sick. I am much better now. The fever, runny nose, sore throat is now replaced by a intermitted cough.

BUT I now have swollen elbows and knees!!!

I had an allergic reaction to the medication. I broke out in mini rash all over my joints. You can see specks of blood just under my skin around my elbow and knees. I look terrible. My tights and knees looks as if you have applied char siew sauce to it. Worse still, I can't walk because its painful on my knees. Argk. I feel like Michelin baby.

I went back to the doctor in search for a cure but you know what, the doctor went on vacation. Are they even allowed to do that? Feed their patients some stupid cocktail of drugs so that they break out in rash and have to go back to you, and you conveniently forget about your money making scheme and go on holiday? Pui! I forgot to mention my doctor drives a Volvo Convertible too. GPs, do they really earn that much?

Then again, they should. Afterall, he charged me $44, a total rip off.

I keep staring at my ugly elbows and knees. I keep touching them too. The spots are actually very warm. Its like an exothermic reaction. Fwah.

I want my flawless skin back!! *wails*

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