Wednesday, December 22, 2004

One more day

yikes, one more day. One more day before I roll up my sleeves and refuse to work for the rest of this year.

This would be my first break since I started to work. I cannot understand why my friends get so many leave days but its so hard to take leave at my crappy workplace. When you go on leave, the world looks at you like you are not doing any work. I do not have to go out of the country to take leave. I believe I can take leave because I do not want to work.

This brings me to another point, why is it that everytime you go on leave, or come back after the weekend , people ask you

"So where did you go yesterday/during the weekend?"

Why does everyone assume that you have to go somewhere??? When you politely tell them you stayed at home and did nothing, they look at you as if you have no life. Its like adding salt to the wound. People who stay at home do not want to be reminded they stayed at home. Crap

I resolve not to ask anyone the question, I will ask "Had a good weekend/ leave?" if I really have to make small talk.

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