Monday, November 15, 2004

*clutches throat and bangs head on wall*

I need to blardy remind myself not to pick up calls from certain numbers.
I happily picked up my phone cos it is the first foreign number since I switched to free incoming.

Turns out to be vivace's husband to be, and suprise suprise, he is a financer planner. Argk.
I know vivace first, and even then, I am not even close to her. Much less the guy. Argk.

Anyway, he is not that fluent a talker, cos he spoke to me the 3 times I absent mindedly picked up the phone and he has yet to introduce himself as a financer planner. Whatever.

My nose is still leaking and my throat is still sore. Dorithricin like all other Western medicine is a scam.

Anyhow, in my wrecked state, I am going to meet Dung. Dung flared up at me yesterday for no good reason other then that he was pissed and irritated and I think he is trying to make up for it.

1 comment:

Guojun said...

Hay babe,

Hope your week will get better. I got ambushed by a financial planner last week too. Wahaha